Gardner's Art Through the Ages With Infotrac: The Western Perspective

Category: Books,Arts & Photography,Study & Teaching

Gardner's Art Through the Ages With Infotrac: The Western Perspective Details

This new alternative, GARDNER'S WESTERN ART THROUGH THE AGES, offers instructors and students a brief, strictly Western approach to art history and retains all of the hallmark features of the market-leading Eleventh Edition in a concise 23-chapter format (also available in a two-volume split). Unique to books with a Western Art focus, the authors retain the chapter on Islam, providing students with insightful coverage of the Islamic tradition's impact on Western culture and art history. Featuring an outstanding art program with more color photos than any comparable art history survey textbook, the authors focus on the context and function of the role of art.


Gardner's seperates the chapters in this book into regions, cultures and era's.It includes cultural context informaion essential to understanding art and architecture. There are two ways to explore a piece of art: (1) analyzing the technique and (2) understanding the purpose. Like modern day song lyrics, many pieces of art and architecture were created for some type of political purpose. This book not only discusses the technological advancements in art and architecture, but shows the influences behind the creation of the pieces.

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